How to drink water daily: Some Ayurvedic Tips

How to drink water daily: Some Ayurvedic Tips.

How to drink water daily: Some Ayurvedic Tips

According to many Ayurvedic practitioners, water is the essence of one's consciousness. It represents the Soma, which is a cooling and nourishing quality that is generally associated with the lunar energy. Water lubricates, nurtures, and detoxifies the body when it flows out in the form of urine. It is a universal solvent and exists in the body in different forms like a serum, saliva, plasma, cytoplasm, nasal secretions, cerebrospinal fluids, sweat, or urine.

It helps in absorbing all the vital nutrients and maintain life. Our cells cannot survive without water. Our blood contains 83% water, bones contain 22% water, the brain is made of 74% water and our lean muscles contain 75% water. 

Hence, we need to understand the importance of rehydrating ourselves.

How to drink water daily: Some Ayurvedic Tips

How much water to drink a day in Ayurveda?

Though the universal water rule states that we need to drink 8 glasses of water, it cannot be applicable to everyone. The actual amount of water that you need depends on your age, weather, diet, amount of physical work, and exercise that u do, stress levels, and body type. 

Ayurveda states that we need to consider our body as a flowing river and not as a stagnant pond. the water in the river is constantly flowing, which constantly moves all the impurities. In the same way, when we drink small quantities of water throughout the day, we help in eliminating the toxic waste in our bodies.

Some tips to remember while drinking water:

1.    Always sit down for drinking water.

How to drink water daily

It is better to sit down and drink water rather than standing and drinking water on the go. The kidneys can pace the filtration process when you drink water while sitting. Your nervous system and muscles are relaxed and can digest the fluids easily. On the other hand, when we stand and drink water, we disturb the balance of fluids. It leads to the accumulation of fluids in the joints which further leads to arthritis. Sip, swallow, breathe, repeat


2.    Don't chug water at once. 

Do not drink a large volume of water in one go. Take small sips throughout the day. This allows the body to absorb the liquid. It also does not dilute the digestive enzymes and gastric fluids.


3.    Do not drink ice-cold water.

How to drink water daily
The temperature of the water that you drink must at least be the same as room temperature. However, warm water is always better.
Ice-cold water affects the digestive fire and make it sluggish. This can lead to constipation, heart issues, kidney failure etc. On the other hand, warm water is easily absorbed by the body, which aids in circulation and detoxification.

Regular water is absorbed by the body in 5-h, provided all the channels are clear; whereas warm water is absorbed within 3 h and helps in opening the channels


4.    Recognize the thirst cues.

Our body indicates its water requirement in the form of thirst. We need to recognize our thirst cues and drink small sips of water throughout the day, which can help us easily satisfy our personal water requirement.

Also, we need to recognize some of the indicators given by your body when it is thirsty like-

     ·       Dry and chapped lips

·   Colour of the urine - When you are properly hydrated, your urine is clear and straw-colored. Darker colored urine is a sign of dehydration.


5.    Water after meals.

How to drink water daily

Do not drink a lot of water before or after your meals. After meals, drink 1-2 small sips of water. Have a gap of 45 minutes between your meals and water intake. Drinking a lot of water before your meal can reduce your digestion.


6.    Drink water at the earliest when you wake up in the morning.

According to Ayurveda, it is beneficial to drink warm water when you wake up in the morning. This helps in flushing out the toxins and cleanses your intestines


7.    Store water in silver or copper vessels.

How to drink water daily

Ayurveda has suggested, drink water which has been stored in silver or copper vessels. This water can positively charge your body. Also, copper and silver ions display many antioxidating and anti-bacterial properties, which improves the immunity of the body.


All these rules are very obvious and simple. However, when practiced correctly, they can help us become more aware of what we eat and drink and thereafter, recognize the signals given by our body. Something as simple as drinking water correctly can have a profound impact on our health and well-being.

 (Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or any treatment purposes. This above information is not intended to be patient education, it does not create any patient and physician relationship and it should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider, before making any health care decisions or guidance about a specific medical condition. “Health Tips Answer” does not claim responsibility or shall have no liability for any damages, loss, or liability, whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contented in this site.)

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